Thursday, January 04, 2007

I need to make some things clear...

My blog address has been included in the new article that I had published in Adoptive Families Mag. I want to quickly make clear a couple things that aren't in that article and that matter to me. First of all I in no way shape or form believe that adoption is some perfect option for tough times. Sometimes...many times to be with the natural parent even if times are hard is a Much better option. It is my opinion that if the adoption can not be open with all family members (natural and adoptive) concidering eachother as family than in MANY cases adoption will be very damaging to the adoptive child and not live up to the dreams an adoptive family may have had. I would be happy to dig into this deeper but I have a daughter that needs to play the flute in this room and well...I'm not going to be able to think, type and listen all at once. Please feel free to leave comments and we'll see if I can get back to being active in the field I care so much about!!

Thanks to all of you who have stayed checking in with me through out this last year that I haven't been so on top of things...and welcome any newbies that are first time visitors due to my article!!


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