Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ok...I'm back on!!

It really is hard, when you respect others and desire for them to respect or at least accept your presents and energy but instead you get pushed down and disrespected. I do have to realize though that not everyone is going to see things my way. I think I always have known that but when you agree with someone else 100% but that same person doesn't see anything good in what your doing or if they do...they have real #@$*%#Y way of showing it.

I'm good now though. I can't make natural mothers that hate adoption understand my mission. Speaking of, so this women that I wrote because someone had forwarded me a beautiful post that she had writed. I wrote her and was like Wow you have a beautiful way of looking at things la la la. She wrote me back and I sent her the questionnaire and mission statement like I do to everyone. Besides around 200 things she had to say that I look at in a wrong way and need to educate myself about she was mad that I called my mission statement a mission statement because I didn't sit down with a respected group of people in an office and go back and forth and back and forth before I came up with it. As if a person cannot have a mission statement in what their goals are????? Everyone starts at the bottem sometime right?

This is the thing, I want to educate people about how to experience what I have learned with in the open adoption of my daughter. I can't change the world. I can't fix every problem. I have some wonderful things to share with the world but for those people who want to be mad at me because my goals and plans won't fix the ENTIRE problem,....sorry! The fact is every bit of progress in the right direction helps. If the only kind of help that people want is the kind that will fix every problem...you may never get anything fixed.

Either way, I'm over letting it get me down...again. Thanks for all the upbeat emails I got from my friends...you guys are great!!

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