Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I talked to my daughter last night!!

So I called my daughter last night. My daughter who is 15 now was placed with her parents almost at birth. I told that story earlier in the blog.

Anyway, she is going to be 16 in Oct. She's thinking she is some kinda spoiled rich kid or something. She told me she's going to go to Europe for her birthday, have a huge party and get a new car, she wants a BMW. The thing is she is just talken. (It's that Super Sweet 16 on MTV that makes the kids like this now ya know). Her parents do alright but they would never spoil her like that. Her father is the head of the music department for a big church in San Diego. Mom does interior design. They adopted a new baby 2 years ago.

I'm so happy with how things are with us. I called last night and when I call its just like if your aunt called from out of town or whatever. Sometimes we talk alot sometimes it's more scattered but somethings never change. We always share that we love eachother I catch up on everything going on then I get on the phone with Mom and hear whats "really" going on.

My daughter is SOOOO my daughter...she's boy crazy and up and down with her grades..only because she is too social! The good thing she has going for her is she is into sports (I never was too much) And her parents support her on every adventure she wants to go on. She wants to model, ok lets do it, basketball, lets do it, volleyball, lets do it, guitar, lets do it. She has been able to follow her dreams every little step.

When I hear women who hate adoption so much and say that all familys should be together. It makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me. You know do I not love my family? Because thats how they make me feel...No one would "give up" there child on their own and still love their child. Seriously this is how it feels.

This is not the truth for me and each time I do talk to my daughter which is at least once a month or more, there is no schedule we are just family, I know I made the perfect decision. Chariti (thats her name) knows I love her she loves me and she has had every opportunity. My life the last 15 years, I can't even share because people would start looking down on me, what I will say is she is in a much better place.

Now, I will say this is true because I'm a part of her life. Not because her parents have given her everything she needed. Said I never saw her again and she wasn't able to ever know anything about the fact that she was adopted and what I was like or who I was.....she would have problems and I would have a bigger problem than all the mess I've been in over the years. We are all able to sleep easy and know we are loved. We live with out this dark secret. We just share pounds and pounds of LOVE.

The new baby they adopted, has a mother who has had some drug problems and has been in and out of jail but no matter what my daughters adoptive family want her to be a part. When she drops off for a while and then calls again out of no where they don't shun her. They know that it is just as important to that woman to know her child is ok as it is to that child to grow up know that woman.

These adoptive parents are truly angels in my life but alot of people could learn from how we have lived this. We need the laws changed so that they make people live like this but until then if we can show future adopive parents the difference between a child growing up knowing their biological family and those that are kept in the dark, I think adoptive parents would want a child that knew their family. Those of us kept in the dark deal with deep rooted problems that I believed have been solved by the families all knowing and loving each other.

"Love IS the Answer"


Unknown said...

Yep thats the idea. I believe that people do have good intentions and they want what is best for the child. I believe with all my heart if we can teach people that this is whats best we can make change. It's all about sharing the success story!!

Your so wonderful for keep checking in with me!!

Take care

Amyadoptee said...

Although I am so tickled with your experiences, please remember that some birthmothers have had very bad experiences. Your adoptive parents sound like kind and loving parents. Not everyone has that experience. Your agenda though is the same as theirs. You are for open records. I am so proud of you. Keep it up girl

Amyadoptee said...

By the way I (and a few others) have linked to you on their blogs